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Hello! This is Money Speaking by Aatmn Parmar – Book Review

HELLO, this is money speaking book review

How do you see money? How do you perceive money? What does money mean to you? What can you do for money? What money can do for you? How far can you go for a few extra thousand? There are many questions that people keep asking themselves. There are many questions about money that people want to ask ‘experts’ and they do it via various channels. However, have you ever thought of taking these questions directly to money itself? What if money talks to you on its own, from that side, revealing things about itself. Wouldn’t it be exciting? Here’s what you will surely love if you want to know more about money, the way it comes to you, the way it goes away from you and things you might not know about money.

Aatmn Parmar has come up with a very wonderful book based on various aspects of money – Hello! This is Money Speaking. And believe me, the book has been written in such an innovative and exciting way that you will surely love to read it and know more about various sides of money, dear money to all of us! The book is written in a very interesting way. You will find very short but many chapters and every chapter will offer the readers perspectives that will help them in understanding money better. At the same time, as the subtitle of the book suggests, money will also enlighten the readers from a spiritual and psychological point of view. For an instance, here is an extract from the book:

Please do not wait for me to make you feel secure. Your sense of security will make me remain available to you.

And this thing comes from money (the narrator hiding behind the guise of money). Isn’t it enlightening? Isn’t it true? Isn’t it practical? Aatmn Parmar, who is a Homeopathic Doctor with a distinguished approach, has tried to convey her wonderful thoughts and ideas to her readers through this book. Just like one quoted above, you will find many thousand thoughts recorded in the book in very interesting chapters that don’t length beyond a couple of pages.

The book, when you observe it carefully, transcends being only external. It goes beyond being a detailed analysis of money in your life. The author has talked about things that directly relate to one’s life, being oneself, accepting oneself as one is, understanding all the conscious and subconscious sides to one’s personality, embracing life and people as they are and then only a person can understand how money can bring changes in life, as expected by the concerned person. However, this evaluation of the book will require persistence, patience and a thorough reading of this interesting book, page by page, word by word. And doing this will be very easy as the author, Aatmn, has made things more than just interesting in this book. The chapters are not lengthy, thoughts are seldom repeating in different chapters, ideas are changing very quickly and this gives the readers a freshness to experience as the book transitions. And therefore, a reader can quickly cover chapters, one after another, and not get tired or overwhelmed too early as with other non-fiction books.

Money is not new in Literature. However, the way Aatmn has dealt with this important subject and idea in her book makes Hello! This is Money Speaking more than a book. It becomes a conscious quiz for many and can also work as a stimulus for many to reflect upon various aspects of their life that ultimately relates to one’s possessions in monetary terms. A person who is happy, satisfied, content with one’s life and the job will certainly attract money more than a person who is confused, not satisfied with many things in life and not sure of one’s purpose. Aatmn tries to introduce money but not in financial terms, certainly. And you will find it way more interesting… I can surely submit it.

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Review by Ashish for Literature News


Hello! This is Money Speaking by Aatmn Parmar – Book Review
  • Literature News Rating


Hello! This is Money Speaking by Aatmn Parmar is a non-fiction title written by an author who is an accomplished doctor with a special focus on emotional and intellectual aspects of human life. You will find this book interesting as well as enlightening.

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