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Self-Publishing: Expectations vs Reality by Nataraj Sasid is a guide for authors!

Self-publishing expectations vs reality book review

The Indian writing industry has been, for a while, in a constant phase of boom and we have seen many new authors emerging and also many a dream shattering. All this happens because of balanced information or because of the misinformation – the subject is common. Self-publishing has been at the centre of the big changes and almost a kind of revolution that has happened in the Indian writing industry. Struggling authors have a very short route to success (depending on too many factors and equations). Without worrying too much about the rejection emails and ignorance that they had to face in big publishing houses, even the newcomers can get their books published very easily – by spending a few thousand rupees. However, is self-publishing that simple? Can anyone self-publish without any basic knowledge of how the industry functions?

Nataraj Sasid, the author of the recently published and popular book, Self-Publishing: Expectations vs Reality, says that basic knowledge is essential so that no publisher can cheat the struggling or new authors who want to see their hard work, their manuscript in print, decorated between attractive cover pages. The speed at which self-publishing has become popular in India is amazing or simply too much to be believed but we have to! It’s a reality. Unfortunately, it has created an opportunity for many entrepreneurial people to establish their publication houses and make some real money from the authors with ambitions and a little patience. In such difficult situations, a book like Nataraj’s Self-Publishing: Expectations vs Reality has come up with many expectations among the authors and he has not disappointed them as well. Nataraj’s opinions, ideas and suggestions are to be followed because he has over two decades experience in the publishing industry and he has worked in collaboration with many leading publishing houses in India.

The author has explained to the readers the basics of self-publishing and tried to simplify the entire process for them with a pack of information and tips that will help all the ambitious authors. He has wonderfully summarised the advantages of this fast mode of publishing that might be a beneficial deal for the authors if they play this game at their advantage. For example, investing wisely in the publishing services that will be essential and saving money to invest that in a well-planned marketing campaign for the book might be really helpful for the author. Nataraj has also hinted against the popular plans to lure the authors these days, used by many big names in the self-publishing industry – such as publish your book for free and fast publishing.

To sum it up, self-publishing experience can be better by manifolds if the authors have an idea of what they are getting into. And all those authors who want to know the elementary details about self-publishing and also the secrets that perhaps no publisher will tell them, can take advantage of Nataraj Sasid’s latest book and shape their future today! Once you know the rules of the game, you can only make your sport better! All the best!

Buy the book from here – Amazon India

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