Literature News

Best Books for Studying Literary Theory & Criticism: Our Picks


Literarure News suggests the best books for studying literary theories and literary criticsm to the students as well as their teachers. Our experts have listed these books out of so many they have been through for the purpose. You will surely benefit from the article below.

The students of English Literature, especially in India, have often problems with the Literary Theory and Criticism part of the syllabus and this is usually because most of the theories are rather new and professors who are old often have problems in first understanding these things themselves and then offering the ‘understood’ knowledge to their students. So, are there some books which can help the students with critical theories? Surely, today, we will share the same with literature students. Our team has made a list of the best books for literary theory and criticism part fo the studies which often becomes a worry for the graduation or postgraduation fellows. Here are the books:

Beginning Theory by Peter Barry: This is the book which is recommended by many well-known experts in English literature and various academic ramifications of it. Peter Barry’s book offers the core concepts of various literary theories in a very easy manner and the lucid writing makes it further easy to be grasped by the students of literature at different levels. Not only students, professors can also take advantage of this quality book. And the best part of this book is that it is cost-friendly! It costs only 300 Rs or even lower than that! You can get this book from the Amazon link below:

Peter Barry – Beginning Theory – Amazon India

Principals of Literary Criticism by I. A. Richards: This book is rather a practical approach to criticism and it induces the students to apply their logic and try to implement certain theories while reading a text closely. This book has 35 different chapters and it analyses various abstract ideas and theories throughout. This book can be useful for the students who not only want to understand theories but also apply their ideas to texts practically! This book will cost something about 500 Rs to the students when they buy it online. You can buy this book from the Amazon India link below:

I. A. Richards: Principles of Literary Criticism – Amazon India

Literary Theory & Criticism by Patricia Waugh: The advantage of Patricia Waugh’s book is that she has used her skills as a professor of English literature and it furthers the ease of understanding among the readers. Our experience with her book has been wonderful and you can just go ahead with this quality edition of literary theory and criticism by Patricia! The paperback edition will cost you just something around 550 when you buy it from Amazon and the book is worth every paisa spent! Get it from the link below:

Patricia Waugh: Literary Theory & Criticism – Amazon India

The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory by M. A. R. Habib & J. A. Cuddon: This book, our experts said, is the essential one and fortunately, a very pocket-friendly one in the terms of money too! That’s a treasure right out there for the students of English literature and they must have this amazing book with them to understand the various tenets of literary theories explained term-by-term. It will give the very basic idea along with the necessary details about certain literary theories to the students. The book will cost just about 350 Rs and it is a must-have! Get the copy from Amazon India right now:

Penguin Literary Terms and Literary Theory Dictionary – Amazon India

These are the essential books which a student should have if a serious study of literary theory and criticism is expected to happen. These books will certainly supply a lot of help not only to the students but also to the teachers who want to give their best to the students. We hope that our collection will be helpful for you in different ways. We will keep coming with other collections in the near future as well.

Looking for more? Get it from the best expert: Best books on literary theory

by our expert team

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