Literature News

March – Important Literary Dates of the Month

March is the month of spring in India. In the terms of Literature, English preferably, March is the month which annunciates the arrival of the ‘cruellest’ month April. Well, what more could be important in March? So, what are the important dates in the literary context in the month of March? Readers, here we have compiled the important literary dates on the very first day of this new month. March, without a day, is a very important month having a few of the most important dates acknowledged worldwide.

2 March: This is the birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel or better known as Dr Seuss only. He is the author of one of the bestsellers in the world, The Cat in the Hat is one of the most loved books by the children across the world.

16 March: On this day in the year 1850, the novel The Scarlet Letter was published. This is a romance written by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

21 March: Who can forget this day and claim to be a literary aware personality? 21 March is the World Poetry Day and it is celebrated with enthusiasm across the world. People celebrate the art of poetry on this day.

22 March: Many people believe that this day, 22 March 1941, is the day when Wonder Woman was born! Wonder Woman is a popular comics character.

24 March: Did you forget Around The World in Eight Days? 24th March is the sad day on which Jules Verne, the popular French novelist died in 1905.

25 March: On this day in the year 1811, famous poet P. B. Shelley was kicked out of the Oxford University because he published the pamphlet The Necessity of Atheism.

31 March: The last day of this month brings us the memories of one of the finest lady novelists ever, Charlotte Bronte. Charlotte, in the year 1855, died on 31st March. She is remembered for her works of fiction like Jane Eyre and The Professor. Her novel Jane Eyre is undoubtedly her most famous work.


by an LN staff

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