Literarure News suggests the best books for studying literary theories and literary criticsm to the students as well as their teachers. Our experts...
Book: The Lonely Drummer and Other Poems Genre: Poetry Collection Pages: 74 Author: Abhishek Goswami Published: 2017 Publisher: Notion Press Reviewed...
“The poet says that…. xyz.” “The poet believes that… abc.” “The poet presents to the readers that…...
Winter is good when it comes to travelling or visiting the places of interest and on that list, visiting the book fairs and attending literary events...
Literature lovers, a new year is here and we begin with January hanging on our walls attached to a calendar. We have decided to begin the year by...
The poetry is not dead (yet) and it will not die (so soon). We have always known about the poets, writing in English or any other languages, who have...
2017 was a unique year for Indian Literature. While English literary creations were usually dominating the readership, there were also the Hindi...
Novel: The Big Switch: it’s never too late Author: John Thomas Formate: Kindle Edition I have been reading several novels in the recent...
Poetry is everywhere. It is in the cricket’s sound; it is in the reels; it is in the abuses hurled by a drunkard and it is in anything if you...
The Book: Despite Stolen Dreams is a novel written by Anita Krishan, the celebrated literary fiction writer who has set the standards high for her...