UGC NET, once upon a time, used to put forth long-answer questions and it was mandatory for all those who aspired to qualify. However, for many years...
Aravind Adiga never disappoints his favourite critics with his witty satire and outsmarting conundrum into which he throws the readers to ponder and...
Nicole Krauss, the famous Jewish-American author for her celebrated novels translated into over 35 languages, has won the Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish...
Even Steven Wolfe couldn’t be so regressive, perverted and sick-shrewd when he performs. Oh, you may better know him by his stage name, Johnny...
Started in 2006, Goodreads has come a long way in recent five years. Not only for readers who enjoy reading books, discovering what others are...
“छह साल की छोकड़ी …” You must have seen this poem with a kid selling mangoes on the right. She is a kid. The poem says she is six...
English Literature Forum, an online discussion platform that came into existence in 2018, has once again revived its discussion threads and users are...
Adi Shankara, well-known by the respectable salutation of Jagadguru Shankaracharya that he earned because of feats that he achieved for the revival...
The golden years of those 90s kids were worth living, enjoying and reading. Everything about the 90s years was amazing and the same can be said...
Ethan Hawke is certainly one of those actors who can make you watch even the worst directed or scripted movies… this is his sheer aura, his...