Surprisingly enough, a recent survey by eHarmony (UK based) has revealed that the people who are good readers often make good lovers! This research...
It was 200 years ago – 18 July 1817 that Jane Austen died and left behind her works for the world and which would later become her legacy...
Recently, I got to read a novel by D. R. Michael Buam who is an author from the beautiful part of India – the North-East region. His novel...
Known to the world more as the founding father of Modern China and Maoism ideology, very few people know that Mao Zedong was a great reader and he...
Which version of Matthew Arnold do you remember? Do you remember him as a poet? Do you remember him as a critic? Or you just remember him as someone...
Shilpa Raj is the author of a much-awaited memoir, The Elephant Chaser’s Daughter. Her desire to tell her story rose from the casual notes she...
The prestigious prize among the African writers who have just debuted with their maiden work of fiction has once again been announced. The Etisalat...
Rafflesia – The Banished Princess is a book which has been in the hype for months now. This is the debut novel by author Gautam and has been...
International Literature Festival or popularly known as lit fest is a well-known phrase among the Indians who are literary aware and track the...
Can it be enough – you have written a book and there is a book market; go there and sell your books. Readers come there and buy it. While many...