How many are the authors who begin writing after accomplishing a designation in their lives? There are authors who begin writing to earn money and...
English Social History is a book by G M Trevelyan. Published originally in 1942 for the purpose of serving the interests of research students and...
UGC has recently made changes to the syllabuses of almost every subject for the NET examination. Recently, NTE has started organising the NET...
Talent cannot be hindered. This is true to every sense that every word makes and we have adequate examples to see in our society. In literature also...
Well, while thinking of this idea wildly within myself, I explored and found that the books I would love to mention on the list of 5 books for women...
Literature does not know boundaries and walls in any of the possible sense. It transcends the limits, the distances, the gaps and the spaces very...
The year 2018 is about to end and, in fact, has already ended for certain parts of this world already. Overall, to me, it was a good year once again...
English literature in India has always been diverse, full of inspirational examples and also passionate. Most often, we get to see the examples which...
Well, it had to come – today or tomorrow or a day after. It was inevitable. An author of the stature of Amitav Ghosh is not someone who can be...
How many times do we read a novel that takes us to unnecessary paths and then surprises us with a stunning connection that melts the difference...